We keep you up-to-date on
latest developments in
Reproductive Medicine and
Assisted Reproduction
Chemotherapy used to treat testicular cancer can cause genetic changes in sperm and may last longer than 4 years
Now that gamete freezing has become a safe and successful technique, oncologists, andrologists and gynaecologists are prescribing it as an option for cancer patients of reproductive age. This is because,…
Read moreThe impact of age on male fertility, here’s what we know
By Nicolás Garrido Nowadays, time is one of the greatest obstacles to fertility. As experts, we are tired of warning against the reproductive problems that delayed motherhood and fatherhood are…
Read moreArtificial Intelligence is now an ally when it comes to more precise reproductive medicine
Artificial intelligence has burst into almost every area of our lives, including medicine. This often complementary yet powerful tool is successfully solving questions that we as human beings have long…
Read moreThe confirmation of eubiotic vaginal flora may save us from reproductive failure and even preterm labor
By Marga Torres Although the microbiome's role in human health has been well known for some time, in recent years there have been a growing number of studies that indicate…
Read moreOvarian rejuvenation is the add-on that is currently proving to be most effective for patients with low ovarian reserve
Dr. Manuel Muñoz We cannot predict the date when we will stop using donor oocytes as a solution for people who cannot reproduce with their own eggs. Fertility research scientists…
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