We keep you up-to-date on
latest developments in
Reproductive Medicine and
Assisted Reproduction
2022 could be the year when biology is recognised as a health profession
Biologists in the field of healthcare have been demanding recognition of their work as healthcare professionals for over twenty-five years, but to no avail. After years of struggle and several…
Read moreAutomatically selected embryos, Artificial Intelligence arrives at the IVF laboratory
What is essential is invisible to the eye, or so it is often said, but sometimes it is not that something escapes our appreciation, but rather that we do not…
Read more“The objective evaluation and improvement of oocyte quality is one of embryology’s upcoming challenges,” Cristina Rodriguez
Cristina Rodríguez, a researcher at IVI Valencia, left Galicia where she trained as a biologist to further her education in assisted reproduction. She is currently completing her PhD on in…
Read moreInterview with Dr. Hortensia Ferrero, researcher of the Miguel Servet programme.
“With the Miguel Servet contract, my goal is to describe the differentially expressed genes that are implicated in the development and growth of uterine fibroids. This information could be the…
Read moreFrancisco Domínguez: “My goal is to silence the third chromosome of a trisomic embryo”.
Correcting severe chromosomal abnormalities such as chromosome 13, 18 and 22 trisomies in patients without healthy embryos may sound like science fiction, but it is simply science. Dr. Francisco Domínguez…
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