We interview Miguel Tablado

Brief summary of what IVI GE is

One of the fundamental pillars for IVI since its creation is its strong link with education, and the firm purpose of transferring knowledge to the medical society by its founders. This will has been reinforced after the merger with RMA, creating an organizational structure that supports all the tasks related to education within our company.   IVI Global Education is responsible for managing and giving continuity to IVI's educational tradition, further improving the methodology and implementing dynamic solutions based on online training.

miguel-tablado-interviewWho is Miguel Tablado

Chief Education Officer

Professional in the education sector with more than 25 years of experience in global companies, universities and consultancy firms related to the world of training and skills development. Firmly convinced of honesty at work, and always motivated by the premise of making things happen, having vision, organization and quality of implementation, based on empathy and the ability to make teams work, but always putting professional responsibility first.

Q: As its name suggests, IVI Global Education focuses on training specialists in this branch of medicine. What is the outlook in the next few years in the area of training in assisted reproduction? What training methodology is having better results? Will the percentage of specialists interested in training and updating their knowledge in this field increase?

The dynamism in research related to reproduction and the review of medical protocols, requires the continuous training of specialists in this branch of medicine to be constant. There are multiple sources of information: congresses, symposiums, courses... but distance learning allowing access to more dynamic content is gaining a greater presence. Our vision is to continue offering classroom training, but to strengthen our online and on-demand training offer. We have adopted the commitment to migrate towards a ubiquitous education that facilitates universal access to specialized education.

Q: An international congress is organized every two years where, among other things, the latest developments in the field of reproductive medicine are discussed. Can you tell us about any of them?

Next year we celebrate our eighth edition of the IVIRMA Congress. At the last edition we reached sign-up rates of more than 1,500 attendees, which we hope to exceed thanks to a first-rate scientific programme. The Congress' scientific committee chaired by Prof. Juan Antonio Garcia-Velasco has created a very attractive programme that will undoubtedly turn our congress into a focal point for all assisted reproduction professionals. For our next congress we will present papers related to: autologous stem cell transplantation, the role of immunology in implantation, embryo epigenetics, extracellular vesicles and their clinical application, genetic editing with CRISPR, correction of diseases that cause mutations in preimplantation embryos, among others.

Q: Regarding the training catalogue you offer, it is aimed at both consolidated professionals and recent graduates. Do you place more focus on any particular segment among your students?

Our training offer is segmented by professional profiles in such a way that everyone linked to assisted reproduction finds answers to their training needs. We have specific courses for gynecologist who need to specialize in reproduction, courses in laboratory techniques, procedures, genetics, etc.; biologists specializing in embryology; psychologists and nurses. One of the advantages offered by IVI training is that it can not only be done remotely, but we also maintain a strong commitment to those who seek more personal training, offering classroom courses at all our clinics, which can be found via our website www.​ivi​glob​aled​ucat​ion.​com

Q: To end the interview, if I were a specialist in assisted reproduction, I would definitely find my place in your programmes. But what if I were a psychologist? Surely the knowledge you offer can be used in other areas of the health sector.

Indeed, our purpose is to give a holistic view of reproduction, offering training that helps all persons involved in the sector to improve their knowledge and skills.

IVI Global Education, besides offering training to professionals outside the company, plays a fundamental role in the transfer of knowledge to our employees. In combination with the human resources area, we offer a wide range of courses for all our profiles, from gynecologist to people related to patient care with the purpose of ensuring that the quality of service they receive is at the highest level of professionalism.

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