Online course in Cryobiology. Preservation of maternal and paternal inheritance. Embryo preservation

AREA: Assisted Reproduction




CENTER: IVIRMA Global Education

Start Date & End

20 theoretical




350 €


This course is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).Once course is completed you will be awarded with 20 ECMEC´s credits. More information in FAQ´s.

Intended for

Biomedical Professionals, Biotechnologists, Andrologists and Embryologists


This course begins with a basic review of the principles of physics that occur during first-order (freezing/thawing) and second-order (vitrification/warming) phase changes. We will present a simplistic model to understand the phase change based on water, subsequently introducing solutes, cell systems and finally, the addition of cryoprotectants by analyzing the effect on the cell suspensions that we want to freeze.

We will introduce different techniques for cryopreservation of gametes, embryos and tissues, reviewing the classical methods of freezing (equilibrium methods) and vitrification (non-equilibrium methods). We will study in a comparative way the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology and the repercussions on the nature of the elective specimen to be cryopreserved.

We will consider the current trends in cryopreservation of gametes, embryos and reproductive tissues presenting ethical, technical, legal and logistical limitations, as well as referenced efficiencies.


Important information:

The online course will be carried out through the e-learning platform: IVIRMA Campus. The student will receive a message with the access information and credentials 24/48 hours before the start of the course.

IVIRMA Campus can be accessed from Windows computers (7, 8 or 10) or Mac, using Chrome or Firefox in its last three versions. Access from mobile devices is not supported and does not ensure the correct operation of the course.

To successfully complete the training and obtain the corresponding certificate, the student must obtain a percentage greater than or equal to 70% of correct answers in the final evaluation. To do this, you will have two opportunities to take the exam.


Learning outcomes expected to be acquired by the student at the end of the course:

1. Recognize the principles of cryobiology and the use of cryoprotectants.

2. Apply the protocols of cryopreservation techniques for cells, gametes and embryos.

3. Identify the factors that affect the performance of cryopreservation programs.

4. Identify the applications of cryopreservation in Human Reproduction.


 1. Biophysical Principles of Cell Cryopreservation I

2. Biophysical Principles of Cell Cryopreservation II

3. Cryoprotectants

4. Cryopreservation methods: Slow Freezing

5. Cryopreservation Methods: Vitrification

6. Oocyte Cryopreservation. Main Factors Affecting Female Gamete Cryopreservation.

7. Oocyte and Embryo Vitrification in Assisted Reproduction.

8. Cryo-room: Equipment and Requirements.

9. Cryopreservation Laboratory: Equipment and Sample Transfer

10. Maintenance of Storage Tanks and Transport Containers.

11. Cryo-management

12. Factors that May Affect the Oocyte Vitrification Program

13. Subcellular Effects of Vitrification I: Oxidative Stress

14. Subcellular Effects of Vitrification II: Epigenetics

15. Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservatits


Ana Cobo

Finished course

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