Online course in Multiplication of Embryos and Gametes
CENTER: IVIRMA Global Education
20 theoretical
350 €
This course is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).Once course is completed you will be awarded with 20 ECMEC´s credits. More information in FAQ´s.
Intended for
Biomedical Professionals, Biotechnologists, Andrologists and Embryologists
The objective of this course is the presentation of different multiplication methods (cloning) of embryos and gametes, taking as an experimental model different mammalian species.
However, it considers the possible reproductive and therapeutic applications that the different cloning methodologies may derive in the human species. It introduces two main multiplication methodologies that may imply or not genome reprograming.
Learning outcomes expected to be acquired by the student at the end of the course:
1. Apply the embryo multiplication procedure without reprogramming, assessing the choice of study, techniques, its drawbacks and limitations.
2. Define the nuclear transplantation procedure and its application in the cloning of totally or partially differentiated cells.
3. Apply the mechanisms of dedifferentiation and reprogramming, studying the MII oocyte as an environment of excellence in cell reprogramming.
4. Evaluate the fundamentals and implications of different technologies for embryo multiplication, somatic cloning and gamete multiplication, acquiring critical capacity for the evaluation of scientific documents or social dissemination in the field of cloning.
Students info
Important information:
The online course will be carried out through the e-learning platform: IVIRMA Campus. The student will receive a message with the access information and credentials 24/48 hours before the start of the course.
IVIRMA Campus can be accessed from Windows computers (7, 8 or 10) or Mac, using Chrome or Firefox in its last three versions. Access from mobile devices is not supported and does not ensure the correct operation of the course.
To successfully complete the training and obtain the corresponding certificate, the student must obtain a percentage greater than or equal to 70% of correct answers in the final evaluation. To do this, you will have two opportunities to take the exam.
1. Basic concepts on pluripotency and totipotency
2. Telomeric protection and pluripotency
3. Embryonic stem cells
4. Collection of embryonic stem cells in the blastocyst
5. Functional genomics and transcriptional signature of blastomeres, Inner Cell Mass (ICM) and Trophectoderm (TE). Transcriptomic profiling of pluripotency in vivo and in vitro (stem cells).
6. Culture of embryonic and trophoblastic stem cells.
7. Technical aspect of nuclear transfer
8. Nuclear reprogramming dynamics
9. Use of polar bodies in nuclear transplantation
10. Technical aspects of meiotic spindle transfer
11. Embryonic splitting as a cloning method
12. Primordial germ cells in the adult ovary
13. Oocytes in vitro production
14. Testicular stem cells
15. Sperm in vitro production
16. Model embryos”: present and future