Learning Pill: What to do when the endometrium fails
AREA: Assisted Reproduction, Embryology, Genetics
HOURS: 6 theoretical
Open enrollment
Open enrollment. You will have 30 days from the date of enrollment to complete the training.
100% flexible schedule
75 €
This course is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). Once course is completed you will be awarded with 6 ECMEC´s credits. More information in FAQ´s.
Intended for
Physicians specializing in Gynecology and Obstetrics, and Residents of this specialty interested in Reproductive Medicine.
In this course, we will explore significant topics in the field of human reproduction, including recurrent miscarriage, implantation failure, endometrial receptivity, and the microbiome. The inability to achieve a successful pregnancy and carry it to term can lead to emotional distress and impact the quality of life for couples. By understanding the underlying causes of recurrent miscarriage and implantation failure, healthcare professionals can develop more effective approaches to diagnosing, treating, and supporting infertile couples. We will take a holistic approach in addressing these issues, discussing strategies for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, in order to provide better support for couples facing difficulties on their journey to parenthood.
• Differentiate the main causes associated with recurrent miscarriage and understand the recommended algorithm to follow in cases of implantation failure.
• Familiarize oneself with advanced tests used to study the implantation window, allowing for accurate dating of the endometrium and optimizing the timing of embryo transfer.
• Understand the impact of the microbiome on reducing early miscarriage rates and enhancing the outcomes of assisted reproduction techniques.
1. Recurrent miscarriage
2. Implantation Failure
3. Endometrial Receptivity
4. Microbiome