“I completed the course in Assisted Reproduction for Laboratory Technicians and was lucky enough to stay and work in the clinic at an IVI clinic”

Our interview with Garazi Lizarralde Mendizabal

“I completed the course in Assisted Reproduction for Laboratory Technicians and was lucky enough to stay and work at an IVI clinic".

Garazi Lizarralde Mendizabal is a laboratory technician whose strong interest in assisted reproduction motivated her to take the IVIRMA Global Education's Theoretical-Practical Specialisation Course in Assisted Reproduction for Laboratory Technicians .

After finishing her studies, she completed her internship at the IVI Clinic in Bilbao. This allowed her to put all her theoretical knowledge into practice as she saw firsthand what day-to-day life is like in an IVF laboratory. The good news is that she is now working at the same clinic, fulfilling her dreams and focusing her professional career on what she likes best.

In this interview, the laboratory technician explains her experience throughout the IVIRMA course and her thoughts on the future of assisted reproduction. In Garazi's words, "it is still a fairly unknown field whose popularity will increase over time because reproductive problems in our society are becoming increasingly more common”.

Why did you decide to train as an Assisted Reproduction Laboratory Technician?

I found out about it on the internet. It caught my attention and I thought it could be a good professional opportunity. In fact, when I contacted Global Education for more information, the teaching staff were the ones who encouraged me to enrol.

How did you decide to join IVIRMA Global Education?

I love the subject of reproduction, so I was looking for related courses to complement my training. I saw that this specific course I was interested in was totally online.  There were no timetables, andI could learn at my own pace, which suited me very well. IVIRMA is a large group that trains professionals and also gives you the opportunity to do an internship in their clinics, which is important. I was lucky enough to start my internship in one of these clinics and I am still here, continuing to learn first hand.

What do you value most about your training?

I learned so much and in such a simplified manner. The course is very well organised, which made it enjoyable. I also had a wonderful opportunity to perform what is now my job within the group.

If you had to choose any one thing to highlight above all else …

The teachers are extremely professional. What I would emphasise most about them is that they are always updating their knowledge and that they do everything with love and care. Being able to experience the entire laboratory process with them has been essential for my daily life experiences.

Where do you see yourself in the future?

This course has helped me to steer my professional career in the direction that I wanted. So I would just like to continue to learn and grow professionally in the area of reproductive medicine.

What would you say is the current state of Assisted Reproduction, and how do you see it in the future?

Although it is still quite an unknown field, I believe that little by little, people are becoming more interested in the process and are starting to pay more attention to it. There are already many groups of women turning to assisted reproduction to have children, but this is a field whose popularity will increase over time, because the reproductive problems in our society are becoming increasingly more common.

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