Online Master Program of
Continuing Education in the Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction and Embryology
13rd Edition    Course 2024/2026

Universitat de València master’s degree program


November 2024
March 2026

ECTS Credits:
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Hi, I’m Anahit Martirosyan, Education Specialist for IVIRMA Global Education. I will advise you on whatever you need. Please, fill out this short form and I will contact you to solve any questions about this master´s degree.
Why study this master’s degree?
Course Content
The program will cover the mechanisms of fertility, causes of infertility and the assisted reproduction techniques used to combat, as well as those the research techniques applied in the different areas of study and treatment of sterility in humans.
Highly Experienced Faculty
More than 50 experts from different fields of IVIRMA Global, the largest assisted reproduction group in the world, with more than 27 years of clinical, teaching and research experience.
Career Prospects
Upon successful completion of the course, you will be qualified to have the skills necessary to work in research centers in the area.
Education Experience
Course Directors
José Remohí
MD, Ph.D. University Professor. Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Valencia.

We work so that the student understands that there is continuity between university and life.

José Bellver
MD. Ph.D University Professor. Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Valencia.

A master´s degree that prepares you for the future challenges of embryology with the most up-to-date knowledge on human reproduction and laboratory techniques for handling gametes and embryos.

Nicolás Garrido
Ph.D. IVI Foundation Director

In an area in constant evolution and growth, training in the most up-to-date knowledge and by world leaders is essential to stand out professionally.

To understand the mechanisms of fertility, causes of infertility and the assisted reproduction techniques used to combat them, as well as the research techniques applied to different areas involving the study and treatment of sterility in humans.
1. To acquire the theoretical foundations and knowledge involved in reproductive physiology as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic techniques applied in the field of assisted reproduction. Included within these headings of reproductive physiology are oogénesis, spermatogenesis and its deficiencies, along with the associated techniques for obtaining oocytes, fertilization, the process of embryonic development and its associated challenges and problems.

2. To understand the causes of sterility, in addition to learning about assisted reproduction techniques and in vitro production of embryos and their culture.

3. To learn the techniques adopted to improve embryonic quality, the multiplication of embryos and gametes, as well as the techniques used to determine gender.

4. To understand the foundations of cryobiology and the preservation of oocytes, embryos, sperm, and stem cells as well as learning about the ethical and legal aspects of assisted reproduction techniques.

5. The laboratory component will include learning about the procedures involved in andrology and in vitro fertilization laboratories as well as the genetic diagnosis associated with reproduction, in both patients and embryos.
1. Through e-learning, students can learn from anywhere, with maximum time and flexibility, in addition to having the opportunity to exchange knowledge with other students and experts in the field.

2. Through the Virtual Classroom, the students have complete access to all materials and related resources to achieve and improve their knowledge.

3. To maintain regular contact with and receive personal monitoring from the course tutors, through several communication tools (forums, chats, internal messaging)

4. To have access to a classroom session from everywhere, through our webinar system, even if you are not able to attend the live session.
1. Boost your career prospects

2. Have access to new areas of specialization

3. Learn from professionals who are experts in their field

4. Train with real-life cases

5. Access to a worldwide network

6. Update your knowledge with the latest scientific advances

7. Train from anywhere in the world

8. Gain a comprehensive view of the most innovative AR techniques

9. Learn through a training platform with the latest technology

10. Educational institution with more than 20 years of experience