We keep you up-to-date on
latest developments in
Reproductive Medicine and
Assisted Reproduction
Psychology of Assisted Reproduction
At IVI we are pioneers in Spain in the integration of the figure of the psychologist in the multidisciplinary team that attends of assisted reproduction patients. All our clinics have a Psychology Unit that offers…
Read moreWe interview Miguel Tablado
Brief summary of what IVI GE is One of the fundamental pillars for IVI since its creation is its strong link with education, and the firm purpose of transferring knowledge to…
Read morePreventing chromosomal and genetic abnormalities in embryos
Preventing chromosomal and genetic abnormalities in embryos is one of the greatest challenges facing science in the field of assisted reproduction. At IVI Global Education we are well aware of this and we know that it…
Read moreAt IVI Global Education “we form life”
According to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, to create means "to establish, found, introduce something for the first time; make it be born or to give it life".…
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