How to choose the best Master’s Degree in Assisted Reproduction

Lifelong learning is one of the most highly-rated items in the CV and academic background of any professional. In the healthcare field, however, it is essential because it signifies the…

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When is World Fertility Day celebrated?

In Spain, we are well aware that June is the month for fertility. And the (In)Fertility Day is June 4th. How about in the rest of the world? We are…

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10 Scientific findings regarding tobacco and fertility

Tobacco and fertility are not a good binomial for reproductive health. In fact, one of the images that we often see on cigarette packs to warn us of tobacco’s harmful…

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13 March, 2020

International Endometriosis Day

Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, usually in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, urinary bladder or intestines. As a result, the endometrium becomes…

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4 February, 2020

Fertility Preservation in Oncology Patients

Cancer can originate anywhere in the body and comprises many types. It is basically characterized by abnormal cell growth that invades and colonizes in other areas of the body. According…

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